National Brow Day
In honour of National Brow Day, we thought we would brighten things up with some predicted eyebrow trends for Autumn/Winter 2021.
The lifted brow
There has been a reported rise (excuse the pun) in thread and brow lifts this year so it seems like we may be moving into an era of higher, raised brows. Bella Hadid fashioned some upward facing eyebrows for the Cannes Film Festival 2021 and other celebrities have been showcasing similar styles with straight arches, so our opening joke may not have been a complete fail after all…..
The laminated (or natural) brow
Laminated brows have been a recurring trend since 2019 and have definitely dominated 2021, we’re still loving them. Now that we’re back to enjoying a bushier brow instead of the stick-thin eyebrows of the 90’s, a laminated or ‘natural’ brow both achieve a fuller, fluffy finish.
The coloured brow
We think that this trend started with eyebrow bleaching - something that has been off-the-chart on TikTok and also seen on some celebrities like Maisie Williams. Moreover, in 2021 we’ve seen a hellova lot of bleached brows on the runway - think Dolce, Gaultier and Balmain. This creates a ‘no brows’ look from a distance and can be achieved with high coverage makeup if you’re not ready to take the full plunge. This bleached baseline has seen the rise in coloured looks; Paris Fashion Week saw almost every shade come out to play and is, of course, easier to achieve on already bleached brows.
What are your upcoming brow predictions? Contact us on socials to let us know what brow game you think we’re going to be seeing in upcoming months!