Crimes of Beauty | Party Season
When party season rears its head, anyone and everyone wants to look their best, but how many of us spare a thought for how our skin feels? Beauty does, after all, start at the skin - without a good base, your creativity with make up can often be overshadowed, so be good this party season and avoid these beauty crimes, as however tempting it is to think that you'll start taking care of your skin in the new year, there are some skincare crimes you really must avoid.
This has to be the worst beauty crime: your skin needs time to rest and regenerate itself, which is helped by there not being make up on the skin. Cleansing is vitally important to skin health, not only do you need to remove your make up, but think of the sweat and pollution that accumulate throughout the day. We always double cleanse, starting off with something like the skinChemists Wrinkle Killer Cleansing Pads, then following with a balm cleanser such as Eve Lom for fresh, supple skin that can work on itself throughout the night.
Hydration is one of the most important factors for healthy skin and at this time of year, the biggest culprit of dehydration (as you may have guessed) is alcohol. We highly recommend alternating each alcoholic drink with a glass of water - although it may annoy you to do so throughout the night, your skin and your entire being will thank you the next day! Drinking water is proven to be the only way you can hydrate your skin. Creams, serums and masks help treat conditions, keep things supple and aid in the ageing battle, but without water you'll never ever rehydrate dry skin. Our Venom Mask will give you a quick boost of hydration, and is perfect for post-party skin - slather on a layer and leave as long as you can, OR if you still have your faculties about you when you return home of a night out, smooth over the face and sleep in it!
So many of us put off washing our make up brushes - depending on the number of brushes you have, it is fiddly, time-consuming, and just generally quite boring. But, the oils and dirt that linger on the bristles can harbour bacteria and all kinds of nasties, so just think of brush-washing time as a little me time and try to wash them at least once a fortnight.
Everyone does this, no doubt about it - but I suppose all of us understand that we shouldn't! Mascara is the one that you really need to be vigilant of - just throw it away every three months, all kinds of bacteria lurk within that little tube and you only get one pair of eyes, so look after them!